Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fun with Family

This past weekend we had family come visit! My mom, her husband Ron, and my little (not so little, he's almost 6 ft) brother Ty came up from Utah. Oh and little Rascal came too, my mom's little chihuahua. They stayed with us, and our boys loved every minute! Ty is a fun Uncle.

We spent a day at the Park downtown. This is a tradition in my family; eat at Rocky Rococo's, play on the wagon, ride on the carousel and walk around. It was a little rainy and overcast, but we didn't let that stop us. Grandma had a big umbrella we used for the kids and we had a blanket. We all enjoyed ourselves. Here's some pics...

Feeding the trash eating goat...he's lucky, he has lots to eat!

Love Spokane

The Red Wagon

Train Style

Grandma even did it!

Blocks that spell Spokane, a usual picture spot. :)

Riding the Carousel!

Did you know we have Canadian geese along the river?

A very fun filled day, we were all tired out and ready for bed that night. :)

And Wrestling!

Owen had his last wrestling tournament this past weekend. He wrestled some tough guys this time and got third. Although he didn't win, we still got him his comic book for doing his best all season long. He says he likes wrestling and wants to do it again next year! Thats what we like to hear, its worth it if he enjoys it.

Fun to go back and visit East Valley, a walk down memory lane. :)

Little Rascal cheered too! He's pretty darn cute. I'm glad he survived all the kids this trip. :)

It was fun to have Grandpa and Grandma Frostad come watch. :)

Ran back for "good job" hugs right away, he loved having family there!

Ready to leave, and "WHERE'S TANNER?!" Looking, looking and finding him outside in the school courtyard. It was funny (after I found him) because he was just playing out here all by himself, didn't even see me sneaking up on him, until I took this picture. He wasn't worried at all, but we were. Little stinker.

We had a big group this time around supporting Owen! Grandma & Grandpa Hollberg, Uncle Ty, Mom & Dad, Tanner, Grant, Uncle Reed & cousin Kaden were there for the last one, AND we had Grandpa and Grandma Frostad there too! Its Owen's favorite part about wrestling, to know lots of family are watching. He runs up so excited afterward to show off his medal. Thanks for coming out so early to cheer Owen on! We love you all! :)


Joann said...

Wow, that does sound fun the whole Riverfront park scene. Rocky Rocco's that's a good place. Awwww, I'm missing Spokane! I love that Owen is into wrestling and that he's so awesome with it. I bet Jared is proud, I had no idea they had a league that young either, how cool. And you handled that well with Tanner sneaking away. He probably eyed that part walking in and said to himself that he was definatly coming back and playing on those awesome rocks. When can he start wrestling? I think Jordan would love it. He needs to get his energy out somehow. I love how our kids are so much alike.

Stephani said...

Great pictures!!! Looks like you guys had tons of fun, I gotta take my kids to the carousel sometime, we've looked at it a few times, but they've never gotten to ride on it. And mmmmm, Rocky's....
Good job Owen! I bet he does love it, he's an Osborn. :)
And that little Tanner, gotta love him. His mischievous nature makes him very endearing to me. That one's got Frostad genes. ;)