Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Getting Into Couponing...

Jared and I have really gotten into coupon clipping these last few weeks. Its been crazy but fun. At first I couldn't wrap my mind around it, then my mind would get overloaded, and finally after working the money saving muscle in my brain long enough, its getting easier! I think I've got Jared hooked too. We've got a system down; I print off and clip the coupons, organize when & where, then Jared does the shopping! It works out great! Here is one example of an amazing coupon deal...

We got all of this for $14.80, 25 items for around $.60 each. All things we'll use! Thanks to Albertsons sale and coupons!

There are a few coupon sites I love to visit, I've got them on my blog...check em out! You won't regret it. We've saved so much money and its a fun thing we enjoy doing together. Jared loves the looks some of the store checkers will give him, they total it all up and as the coupons slowly bring the price down to nearly nothing, they get this "I can't believe you can get all this for that" look. One even asked Jared how to do was cool. I'm sure I'll have more cool deals to share!


Nicole said...

You two definately work together well!! I would love to do the same kinda shopping myself....but between work, being pregnant, and working that particular muscle...I just can't seem to make any sense of anything lately!!! LOL!!! Hope all is well and great job Melissa = ) Randy and I would love to come and see your new house and maybe have a game night sometime when you have a free moment ?
Love you and God Bless

Stephani said...

sssweeeeeet! :)

I have heard lots of good coupon stories, and Nelle sent me a great site about how to do it, I just dread shopping so much that my brain somewhat refuses to fully process it all. Maybe a girls' night lesson on it would be good... ;)

Anonymous said...

hey i like coupons! mostly they just help me make a list of what i need and i don't even go to the place they're for haha but i like them!

Melissa Osborn said...

Damon you should check them out, you could really stock up on food and spent little to nothing. Great for a college student. :) Albertson's is probably the best place for sales and coupon combinations.
I've got links to all kinds of coupon sites on my blog under "money savers". OR you could just use them to make a shopping list. ;O)
Hey when I come into town, I'll go with you and get you some good deals!

Celeste said...

I love that you guys are working together and scoring some sweeeet deals! Nice work on the Quaker sale!

Marcie Osborn said...

No Albertson's here *sigh*. I was getting ready to send Glen to Safeway for the good buys when he noticed coupons for feminine hygiene products. He flat out refused to buy them. Lol Men!
We were quite impressed when Jared took us shopping. 3 bags of Sun chips for .07 cents!!