Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Year Older and Wiser Too

Today we celebrated Jared's Birthday! His 31st. After 30, its just another year. Being married to me for 6 years has surely made him wiser, he's put up with a lot. :) I'm so lucky to be married to this man, for all eternity. I'm so honored that he picked me.
Here's some pics from his day...

He's a banana cream pie kind of guy.

The boys sure love him, he's their favorite and that's how it should be.

Anything racquetball is a good gift idea, I have to brag...there are few who can beat him.

What a man. :)

We had Hawaiian haystacks for dinner, Jared's request, and Jared didn't even complain when I accidentally used cream of mushroom instead of chicken for the sauce. It was still pretty good.

It just so happens that Owen's first wrestling practice was tonight, so Jared got to take Owen and share that with him. It was some good daddy bonding time. I think he had an overall good birthday.


Stephani said...

Sounds like he had a good one! Happy 31st Jared! :)

Joann said...

Happy late birthday Jared! Banana cream pie IS really good! Wow, cream of mushroom tasted alright? It's amazing what we can improvise with. One time we had tacos but I had to use the fajita mix, it wasn't bad at all.

Melissa Osborn said...

Good idea Joann, I'll have to try that next time I run out of taco seasoning. :)